
企画、演出ゼン・ヒラノ   出演ミユキ・ヒラノ、池田 努

批評  〜NYザ・アクターズスタジオ正会員より〜

Gary Swanson
You are a compelling wonderful person. You have great power on stage. I cried when you did. Actors search inside themselves for humanity. Most of us are too worried about ourselves or how we will be judged and it obstructs our relationship with our audience. The good ones dare to share their inner lives with a mass of strangers they might never meet. Good actors have a generosity of spirit, courage and a willingness to be criticized when they stand on the stage. In the short time we worked together, I found that you're presence on the stage has all those qualities that I just described. When I watched you experience pain, I had to keep my own objective composure and not let my own emotions run away. I don't know many actors(male or female) who can, just, by being and living on stage, transmit the power of humanity the way that you do. As an actress, I would describe you as“a gift”…

Patrik Baldauff
I am so glad that you have come back to the studio and brought so mush terrific work of your company. The wonderful way you have used Lee’s teachings in your countries uniqueness. I am so proud that “Zen on the art of Lee Strasberg” was so loved by everyone that attended the very special actors studio performances of “Love of Crane” with such a talented leading lady and the actor who played the husband who saved her from the arrow how lovely in hopes for the future. your friend.
私は、あなたがアクターズスタジオに戻り、また、素晴らしい作品を持ってきてくれたことが本当に嬉しいです。リー・ストラスバーグの演技テクニックを、あなたの国のユニークさに、素晴らしい形で取り入れていますね。リー・ストラスバーグの芸術性を引き継ぐ、ゼン、あなたは「LOVE OF CRANE」を見に来たすべての人から愛されています。私はそれを誇りに思います。また、とても才能のある主演の女優と、矢から彼女を救った夫役の彼は、将来的にとても期待できるし、美しかったです。あなたの友より。

Stella Pulo
I recently attended the work of Miyuki Hirano at the Actors studio in New York and it she was magnificent. In fact,the entire production of “Love of Crane” was mesmerizing. The set,costuming direction(Zen Hirano) and overall production values were just terrific. I thank them for the inspiration. New York and The Actors Studio are lucky to have had these magnificent artists from Japan.
私はニューヨーク・アクターズスタジオで行われた、ミユキヒラノの作品を観に行きましたが、とても素晴らしかった。「LOVE OF CRANE」全体の演出にすっかり魅了されてしまいました。

Linette Hardie It was very good Acting. I like the way the story was portraited.

Katheline O’Niel I have never seen like this before. It was interesting and the projection images are beautiful.

Adam Petherbridge Centuries of storytelling tradition encapsulated in one beautiful night.

森 健次
JAMでは素晴らしい舞台、そして舞台裏をのぞかせていただきました、カメラマンの森です。3日間の公演 すべてを通し見させていただき、有難うございました。心より御礼申し上げます。恥ずかしながらJAM 総監督のエルさんからゼン様のことを伺うまで、ニューヨークで舞台を見る機会もなく、何も前準備もなく今回 の「夕鶴」を観させて頂き、その強烈な表現描写にカメラを通してもその感動に震えたのを覚えております。                                     

ニューヨーク公演 公式ページはこちら